Monday, July 16, 2012

Homemade coasters

Projects have been lacking due to not wanting to do anything.

This summer my kids have been going through cups like crazy.  Every night there are about 8 cups in the sink from throughout the day.  This is only from the 2 older kids.  I thought I would find a way for them to reuse cups during the day.  My resolution was homemade coasters that will sit on the counter.  When they finish with a cup then they will rinse it and place it not  the coaster for the next time they need a cup.

First I did a little research and found tons of people that make coasters from ceramic tiles.  We had some left over from a small home project.  I then went through my scrapbook supplies and found I had everything I needed to make the coasters.  No out of pocket expense.  YEAH!!!!

I wanted to make 5 coasters. The coasters are 4.25"x4.25". I cut 5 pieces of scrapbook paper 4"x4".  The next step was applying them to the tiles.  This was easily done with a 4-5 coats of Mod Podge and then I sealed them with an acrylic sealant.  In a little over an hour I had 5 coasters.

Step 1 - Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge and put the paper on top.  Be sure to smooth out any air bubbles

 Step 2 - Apply a few coats of mod podge over the paper.  Let it dry 10-15 minutes between coats.  After each coat it will look white but it dries clear.

Once dried it will look like this.

Some people like the streaked or "canvas" look.  I don't.  I decided to sand down the ridges to get a smooth finish.  I used a fine grit sand paper.  Once you are done, seal it with an acrylic sealant.  Mod Podge is NOT water proof and will become tacky if water sits on it.  I had some felt pads and put those on the bottom to prevent the tiles from scratching anything they were placed on.
After sanding and sealing

Now we have a place for everyone's cups except at dinner time when Vivian like to put these on the table for everyone to use.