Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Update on everything

I know I haven't been blogging or posting anything.  What can I say I have been busy and life has gotten busy.  School, end of school, easter, spring break, vacation, baseball and anything else you can fit into the last few months.  The kids are out of school for the summer and I have been trying to keep them entertained.  Not easy when they are 2, 10 and 12.  I can take Vivian to the zoo or the park but the older kids get bored.  Go to an amusement park, Vivian can't do anything.  We mainly just stay home because it doesn't cost anything.  We got a pool so the kids spend a lot of time there.  Not much more to do since they are the only kids in the neighborhood.  I am still taking pictures and posting them on Facebook.  At the end of the year I will probably print them all and make a photo album out of them.

Today I decided to start doing crafts again.  I go through phases of being crafty.  I will be making some felt food for Vivian.  I spent most of the day yesterday looking for tutorials and templates.  I found a few I like. I will also be checking out books at the library.  I looked at the online catalog and they have some felt craft books.  I wanted to do something that I can do while sitting on the couch or on the back porch without having to drag a lot of supplies out.  Sewing requires me to get a lot of stuff out and takes more time and attention than most crafts.  I will be going to the craft store tomorrow and getting some felt and looking at some other small craft projects the kids and I can do together.

We have a little over a month left of summer vacation and then the kids return to school.  I will be starting the school supply shopping and getting school uniforms ready in the next couple of weeks.  I still can't believe Kirsten will be in 7th grade, Anthony will be in 5th grade and Vivian will start pre-K next year.  This year I will be sending her to the same program I sent her to last year except it will be 2 days until the Christmas break and then 3 days after that.  I am doing this to prepare her for the 5 day a week pre-K program.

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