Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas is less than 2 weeks away.  I can't wait, but that is only because we are going to Dallas to visit my family.  The kids are really excited and I can't wait to see everyone.  I hate that we only see them 2-3 times a year, but that is what happens when you live 500 miles away.

Kirsten has made me so proud this year.  She was nominated and selected as student of the year for her school.  Last week she went to the school board office to be interviewed and do a written assignment.  This interview was to pick the Student of the year for the whole district.  If she is selected as Student of the year for our district then she will compete at the state level for the state student of the year.  I couldn't be prouder.

Anthony has made so many improvements as well.  We are working with him more at home.  I have also been workign with the school to help him get control of his behavior.  He is a honor roll student and does great in school but he likes to do what he wants to when he wants to.  We have seen a drastic improvement over the past month.  He is now starting to talk more about why he is mad or upset.  Before he would just close up and not talk to anyone.  We would have to wait until he was ready to talk or wait until he calmed down.

Vivian is doing more everyday.  She is starting to be vocal.  She tripped over a toy the other day and said "oww".  It was so adorable.  She also says oh when she trips or falls down.  She will also make you do what she wants.  If I am at the computer and she wants my attention she will pull my hand away from the mouse and pull it torward her or try to climb on my lap.  Her favorite word is mom.  She will say it over and over and over even after I acknowledge her saying it.  Sometimes it is followed by a bunch of jibberish and I just respond telling her I understand or that is interesting.  She has also started calling the dogs, but not by their names instead she says dog dog or that is what it sounds like. She understand so much and if you ask her questions like do you want milk or do you want to go night night she will either go to the refrigerator or go to her room.  She is just doing so much that is hard to write about it all.

I am really enjoying being a stay at home mom.  I have been able to do so much more and be a lot more involved in everything the kids are doing.  I would never be able to do all of the things I do know if I was still working 9 hours a day in an office.

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