Friday, January 22, 2010

Seriously no entry since Dec 16, 2009.....what happened.  I said i would blog more and document my life as a SAHM and the kids growing up, but I haven't made any progess.  I guess I will put a reoccuring calendar entry to post once a week. How many people read this anyway?  I guess I could archive it and have something for the kids to read later in life........

Well, the holidays are over, the kids are back in school and things are returning to normal.  Not much has happened in our life.

We will start with Kirsten.  She did not get the Student of the Year for the District.  I told her SOTY for her school is awesome and very few people can EVER say they made this accomplishment.  I told her this is an acheivement she can put on her college resume.  She was happy and she will be recognized at the school board meeting in Feb.  She particpated in the school science fair and got 1st place as well as an outstanding acheivement ribbon.  She got a perfect score on her project.  I am so proud of her because she did it all by herself.  The only thing she needed my help with was printing the pictures from her experiement and of course buying the materials.  Basketball season also started so our Saturdays are now devoted to BB games.

Anthony decided not to play Basketball this year, but can't wait for baseball to start.  He played catcher last year and hopes to play the same position this year.  I guess we need to get out the baseball stuff and see what we need before the season starts.  Not much more going on with him.  He is just relaxing and enjoying school, friends and family.

Vivian is a bundle of fun and excitement.  Everyday is a new journey and I am soooo thankful I get to spend it at home with her.  I never had this advantange with Kirsten or Anthony.  I absolutely love being able to stay home and watch her discover and learn new things each day instead of hearing it from someone else.  She is developing her vocabulary and her personality is really coming out.  She makes me laugh several times a day.  Recently when you tell her no or stop she will just sit/stand there and stare into space with a pouty look on her face.  It is like she is trying to decide what to do next...."do I continue doing this or move on to something else....while I decide I will sit here with this puppy dog look and see if they will let me continue doing this, take it away or find something else for me to do"....Yes she is a handful, but enjoyable.  She now has 16 teeth her 1 year molars have all come in.  I need to check to see when the next set come in because she has been cranky and whiny for the past couple of days.  She has also been great when it comes to eating but the past few days she has been refusing everything I put in front of her...except her snacks and fruit.  My mission today is to get her to eat a balanced meal.  This girl was eating anything and everything I put in front her.  Now she just shakes her head no, pushes it away or throws it off the high chair.  I tried 3 different things for lunch dog, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets....not one thing got eaten by her....I caved and gave her crackers, an orange and some other snack foods.  I had to get something in her and I got to the point that I didn't care what it was as long as she ate it.

Time to end this entry.....Vivian is waking up and my food battle begins.....

1 comment:

  1. HA! I do the same thing-my kids are constantly pulling fast ones, but by the time I sit down to blog I've forgotten! Nice update-lucky momma!! ;)
