Most of my posts are about fmaily. Well it is time for me to start blogging about anythign and everything going on. So what have I been doing lately. Making crafts, taking photography class and teaching myself about fondant. This has been interesting and some people may wonder how I can sewing one day and playing with fondant the next day. That is easy. I finish one project and get tired of that type of thing and find something new. In the past month I have redocrated Kirsten's room, made a nap mat for Vivian, started photography classes and learned to make and how to design with fondant. I love learnign new things and I think I am a great teacher because I am pretty much self taught on everything crafting I know how to do thanks to Google and You Tube.
Well, I know this is short but I need to go to the store to get more craft stuff.....cake decorating supplies.My photography classes are goign to come in handy once I get good at all of my hobbies.
My oldest kids had ADD and ADHD.....I wonder if my bouncing from thing to another is ADD. I have never thought about but t maybe I have a minor form of ADD.
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