Monday, September 6, 2010

Wow!!!  I really haven't updated this since Feb.  I guess that means no one has been reading this.  Oh well!!  I will still update.

SO much has happened in the last 6 months.  I turned another year older, celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary, the kids got out of school, we went to Puerto Rico for a month, Dallas for a week and the kids went back to school.  That is about it.  We are just a normal everyday family if that includes sibling fights, kids misbehaving and lots of mommy yelling at the kids to behave.

On Wednesday Vivian will start a 1 day a week Mom's Day Out program.  What am I going to do with 6 hours without kids?  Well for this week Pablo and I are going to go out to lunch and enjoy a meal.  It has been a really long time since just the two of us did anything by ourselves.  After lunch I am going to a movie by myself sicne I want to see a chick flick and of course Pablo does not.  I guess I better look at the showtimes and plan the day so I can be back in time to pick up Vivian and be home in time for the bus.  HMMM not sure how that is going to work.  Vivian at 3 and kids home at 3????  It will take me 5 minutes to get home from the church Vivian willbe at.  I guess that means I need to get some keys made for the kids in case I am not home when they get there. 

September is birthday month in our house.  Pablo is Sept 19 and Vivian is Sept 29.  This year Pablo will be 35 and Vivian will be 2.  No big plans yet.  I guess I better get planning.

I can't believe she is already 2.  Where have the last 2 years gone?  She is getting so independant and her vocabulary has went from a few words in June to 3-4 word sentences in 2 months.  It is crazy how fast they grow and how fast that learn.  Another reason to get her in a program.  I need to get her around other kids her age so she can learn to 1. play with them 2. share and 3. be away from mommy.  I don't want to be one of the moms that drop their kid off for the first day of Pre-K or Kindergarten only to have the kid kicking and screaming for mommy not to leave because they have never been apart. 

Now you are probably wondering about Kirsten and Anthony.  Well Kirsten is in 6th grade and will be starting Basketball for the school soon.  She will also be playing recreational basketball, but this is the last year she can play for the rec department.  She wanted to play volleyball, but she said they may not be able to because they can't find a coach.  Apparently this would be the 1st year for volleyball or the coach from last year isn't there anymore.  I am not sure I haven't talked to the principal yet.  That is on my list of things to do.  Anthony is in 4th grade and not much going on with him.  I am going to try and get him to play recreational basketball this year, but I don't think I will have much luck with that.  He is just not very athletic.  He gets that from my side of the family.  He will play baseball in the spring.  He likes that and is a great catcher.  Both kids aree doing good academically although I know they both can do better.  They are still trying to get their brains in school mode and out of summer mode.  I am sure int he next coupleof weeks we will see a big improvement.  They are already half-way through the first 9 weeks.  As soon as they see their progress reports they will see what subjects need improvement.

So the kids are in bed and I am sitting here writing about them.  The life of a mom.....always thinking, talking about her kids and doing everything for them but nothing for herself.  Yes that is me I always put my kids first.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog! I have been waiting for an update...and here it is, finally! The Mom's Day Out program sounds AWESOME-keep us posted how she does and enjoy your daytime date. It is sad how quick they go from babies to little kids-time truly does fly by. Pretty soon we will be in our rockers and bathrobes thinking about our grandkids and how fast THEY are growing...yikes. Thanks for the post-Keep them coming!
