After 90 days of pictures I decided it was time to take one of me. I got out the tripod and set the timer. Of course before that I had to actually look presentable for a picture. This meant I had to put on some thing other than my normal day to day clothes that consist of a tank top and lounge pants, no makeup and my hair in a ponytail. I had to put on makeup and do something with my hair. I forgot how much time that took. Now if you saw me on a normal day you would think this picture and me are two different people. I will say I felt great getting out of my normal clothes, doing my hair and makeup. I have been feeling really down about the way I look. I am just not happy with my appearance right now. I am at the same weight I was when Vivian was 3 months old and not happy about it. Sure I can diet and exercise, but I have no willpower or motivation to workout. I was determined to lose some weight while Pablo was out of town. I did good the first 2 weeks and I was exercising but then I got bored with it and stopped. I have been doing good with what I eat. Since Pablo hasn't been here I haven't been buying cookies or baking except for bread. I can't do much exercising right now due to my ankle still healing and hurting when I am on my feet too much. I just need to either be happy with the "new" me or actually do something about it.
I say do somethin if you're not happy. You don't look like you have much work to do. Do it now before you get really far down the road of unhappiness.