Monday, February 27, 2012

Scrapbooking again

When I packed up all my scrapbook supplies to make room for Vivian I never thought it would be almost 4 years before I would do any scrapbooking.  Since I am a very organized person and like to have everything in a specific place having everything in a box prevented me from doing anything.  I hated searching through the boxes starting a project, realizing I needed something or wanting a specific item then not knowing where it was made me decide I didn't like scrapping that way.  I then set up a place in the office that was once a garage.  I didn't like it there either.  Although all the boxes were within reach, I didn't like that I couldn't see everything.  I still had to search for stuff.  When I finally found new homes for all the baby and toddler toys that were taking up the family room. I decided I was going to turn Vivian's play area into my area.  No where in the house was just for me.  There is no room in my bedroom for my desk so this was my only option.  Another plus to having it in the family room I must keep it organized and clean since I would be looking at it everyday and so would anyone that walked into our house.  Now I have an area and I posted the picture a few weeks ago.  It has evolved a little since the picture but not much.  I have added 2 lights, small desktop organizer and my Cricut is now sitting on the desk.

After many years of not scrapbooking, I have spent the last two weeks completing a book.  It took me a little bit to get started and to figure out what I wanted the book to look like.  I am very happy with it. I will post pictures.  Just not now.  I have to show someone the book first and I want to get her reaction.

To help get me back into scrapbooking I found a great online community to help get my creativity going.  It is  Of course I just lurk mostly, but seeing how much the trade has changed in the last 4 years makes me nervous to post anything or share my work.  I see a lot of great inspiration, but I also see a lot of layouts that make me wish I had an ounce of their creativity.  There are so many great looking pages.  I posted a few pages I did, but after seeing their work I wanted to remove mine.  My work looks so plan compared to their work.  I also see things that I think are over the top and would never do.  I do love seeing how people put things together whether it is my style or not.  There is also so many more products now.  Some things I have  are "out of date", but I will still use them until they are all gone.

I decided 2012 would be the year of mini projects.  My goal was 75.  So far I have completed 10 projects.  I think that is pretty good considering I didn't start any projects until mid-January.  Eight weeks into the year and 10 projects.  I think I will reach my goal of 75 projects.  I made a list but I only had 27 projects.  I knew through out the year I would new ideas and projects to do.  I will add them to my list as I see, think about or find them.  Now onto another project......What I am not sure yet.

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