Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Year Already

It is hard to believe this time last year I was in the hospital holding a 1 day old baby.  Yesterday was Vivian's 1st birthday.  The past year has went by so fast.  Every one of her firsts have been wonderful and sad at the same time.  She will be our last baby so we will never see that first smile, first laugh or the first step again.  We still have many events ahead of us, but we must remember to cherish each day and celebrate each milestone. 

Vivian has been walking since Sept 11 and soon she will be talking.  She is starting to repeat sounds over and over.  Some sound like words and some are just sounds.  I actually enjoy listening to her babble, but once she starts talking I am sure I will miss the days when she just giggled and laughed.

I took the kids to get pictures over the weekend, but Vivian decided right when i was time to take pictures that she only wanted to be held by mommy.  That's right we were one of those people with a crying baby that did not want to take pictures.  We were able to get a few good ones and when I say a few I mean 3-4 out about 15 pictures.  On Monday Vivian and I went to the park while Kirsten and Anthony were at school.  I took a few pictures of her there since it was the first sunny day in a few weeks.  I think I actually got some pretty good ones.  I think it is really funny that I can rarely get a picturee of her smiling.  Instead most of her pictures she has the same look on her face, but it is so adorable.

Here are some pictures of our Vivian the day before her 1st birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Those pics are too sweet!! I already said it but again: Happy Birthday, Vivian! I know what you mean about it being bittersweet since she's your last....
