I was going to make a dress for Vivian and I still plan on doing it this week, but I wanted to try an appliqué. The Slice I recently purchased will also cut fabric. Vivian has been asking for a butterfly shirt. The appliqué design card has a few butterfly patterns. I decided I would try an appliqué. How hard could it be? We picked a shirt and then I picked some coordinating fabric from my ever growing fabric stash. I really need to stop buying fabric and fat quarters until I use what I have.
Cutting the fabric was a lot easier than I thought it would be. First I had to put fusible web on the fabric. Then I cut a shadow of a butterfly and then the butterfly. Once that was done I ironed it onto the fabric and then did a blanket stitch around both pieces. Much easier than I thought it would be. Very happy with my first appliqué.
"You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance." - Franklin P. Jones
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
What Do You Do with Banana Peppers
My banana pepper plant has been the most successful plant in my garden. It has been producing lots of peppers since April. Yes April and it is January. I picked a bunch more this week and there are about 15 baby peppers growing now. They will be ready in a couple of weeks. I have pickled them once before and was very pleased with the outcome. I decided I would go ahead and try it again but this time I had so many more peppers. The last time I found a recipe for one jar. This time I decided I wanted a sweeter pickled pepper. I used a combination of the first recipe and the new recipe I found.
First attempt I used the recipe posted here - http://jessicasfoodspot.blogspot.com/2009/07/so-you-grew-gardennow-what-5.html
This time I used the first one and this one - http://www.food.com/recipe/sweet-pickled-banana-peppers-17254
Here are my ingredients
1/2 lb Banana Peppers
4 cups white vinegar
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed
1 tsp pepper corns
First sterilize your jars. Since I was cutting some peppers and leaving some peppers whole, I used 2 different sized jars. I ran the jars and rings through the hot water cycle in my dishwasher. Once the cycle is done, remove the jars and dry them
In a saucepan bring the vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed and pepper corns to a rolling boil. Remove from heat. In a large pan bring plain water to a boil.
While the brine is coming to a boil, prepare the peppers for canning. I cut 3/4 of them into rings and removed the seeds. The remaining 1/4 of peppers I cut off the stem and removed the seeds. Fill the jars with the peppers.
Pour the brine over the pepper, leaving 1/2 inch space at the top. (Note: I filled the jars completely to use all the brine. Once the canning was done there is a space of about 1/2 inch at the bottom of the jar as you can see in the picture of my completed jars. I did the same thing the first time and forgot.) Place the lid and screw on a ring. Place the jars in the boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the jars from the water and allow to cool. After a few minutes check the jars to make sure they sealed. This is simple to do. If the jar is not sealed the lidd with pop up and down. If it did not seal then it must be stored in the refrigerator. If it did seal they can be kept in the pantry until the seal is broken.
Some recipes say let the peppers sit for a few days and some say a couple of weeks. I say you decide. I have done both and the peppers are great after just a few days if you can't wait to eat them.
Making Menu Planning Easier
I have become obsessed with Pinterest. I spend so much time on the site. I have found so many great things on there. I have done a few and added a ton to my list of things I want to do one day. Recently I came across a menu board that I absolutely love made by Clair at http://clairsfairytale.blogspot.com/. I am guessing I am not the only one that loved the board that she did two follow-up posts on her blog. I loved the board so much that I made one. First I had to figure out what we eat regularly and also things we eat occasionally. My goal was to come up with 30 days of meals. I then had to write down what was needed for each meal. Once that was done I printed the meals and lamented each one. I have several crockpot meals I love to cook and sometimes I just find a crockpot meal I think we will like. I decided to just have one card for the crockpot. Periodically I like to try new recipes. I made one card that says New Recipe. I am very happy with my completed board. I have decided I will make it a family event to plan the weekly menu. The older kids will each get to select 2 meals for the week and then I will select the other 3. Hopefully this will make things easier since they say I never ask what they want to eat.
Now here is my completed board and a sample of the menu cards. My cards are very simple and only list the main items. On the front is the menu and the back is the ingredients needed. Some nights we also have rolls and salad with the meal but I felt there was no reason to have this on the cards.
Pretty easy to see that is the card for baked chicken and the back of the card for Hamburgers with Fries or Chips. Of course with hamburgers I do add other ingredients tot he meat but they are main staples I always have on hand. I didn't list any ingredients that I always have in the pantry.
I have several scrapbook kits since I am a member of a monthly kit club. That made this project so much easier since everything is already coordinated. I used my Slice Elite and Bon Appetit Design Card for the designs on the pockets and the word menu. Now that I am looking at the picture I may pop open the frame and move the word Menu over an inch or so to the right to make it look centered between the cards and the frame edge.
Here is the direct link to the board - http://clairsfairytale.blogspot.com/2012/01/ultimate-menu-board.html
Now onto my next project - a peasant dress for Vivian.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Do something for one do it for all
When Kirsten and Anthony were one and three I made them each a stool. It was something they enjoyed using and they are still in their rooms today. The only difference is they are no longer used as a stool except by Vivian. They use them as tables or shelves depending on what they are doing or where the stool is. Vivian has also been using them. Since I made the stools for them I couldn't not make one for Vivian. I finally found a stool to paint or Vivian. I spent the day painting, stenciling and painting her stool. She is so excited that she now has her very own stool.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
More Projects Completed
Two more projects are done. I finally finished a rag quilt I have been working on. It was going to be a quilt for Kirsten and it turned into a lap size quilt. I used 5" charm packs for the quilt. I really like the way it came out and the girls like it too.
Thanks to my Pinterest obsession. I have found so many great ideas. One I came across recently was a nice little pocket organizer. It has 3 pockets and a place for a small memo pad. It stays closed with elastic. It will come in so handy. I made it from fabric I had leftover after making a quilt. It is the same fabric I used for my keychain fob. Now I have matching keychain and organizer. It was totally coincidence. I did not plan it that way it just happened. I tried to find a picture of the keychain, but apparently I didn't take a picture which is odd since I take a picture of every craft/hobby project I do. I found this idea at {lbg studio}: 12 gifts of christmas blog hop: organizer wallet tutorial and a giveaway
Thanks to my Pinterest obsession. I have found so many great ideas. One I came across recently was a nice little pocket organizer. It has 3 pockets and a place for a small memo pad. It stays closed with elastic. It will come in so handy. I made it from fabric I had leftover after making a quilt. It is the same fabric I used for my keychain fob. Now I have matching keychain and organizer. It was totally coincidence. I did not plan it that way it just happened. I tried to find a picture of the keychain, but apparently I didn't take a picture which is odd since I take a picture of every craft/hobby project I do. I found this idea at {lbg studio}: 12 gifts of christmas blog hop: organizer wallet tutorial and a giveaway
Great Deal on Slice products at Michael's
Last Friday I was at Michael's and they had all the Slice Cutters and accessories on clearance. I looked and asked if there were anymore cutters. None left and no more would be coming in. I thought I missed out on such a great deal since the cutter retails for $149.99 and they had it on clearance for $19.99. The design cards retail for $39.99-49.99 and they were all marked down to $4.99. They only had a few cards and no other accessories. I spent the next day calling all Michael's within 30 miles to see if anyone had the cutter. No one had it and I was told the same thing by all stores. No more would be coming in. Then yesterday I was on a scrapbook forum and saw a post that the cards were marked down to $2. Off to ebay I went to see how much the cutters were being sold for. The basic or first model was being sold for $40-50. I thought with the price of the cards at Michael's I would just go ahead and get some. I had not got a cutter yet but I knew the supplies would not last long. I decided I would head to Michaels this morning and get some design cards. While there I didn't see the cutter on the shelf but I knew my local Michael's keeps all of the machines in a locked case. I decided I would look to see if there was one there. Was I in shock when I saw a Slice Elite on the bottom shelf. I asked an employee for the Slice in the case. She said we are out. I told her there was one in the case. We walked over and she was as shocked as I was that there was one in there. I walked out of there with the Slice, 3 cartridges and a set of marker tips for it. While checking out she told me I might want to check the other stores in the area for more cards and accessories. I spent the next hour driving to 2 other stores. I found a glass cutting board, hands free kit, 2 more marker tips and 9 more cartridges. I couldn't be more excited. Now I am trying to decide if I want to drive to the other Michaels in the area looking for more cards and accessories. Just look at my new toys and you will be excited too. Can you believe I got all this for $80
1/27 - A little update - I have went to every store in the area and got all the slice stuff I could find. My final list is:
Slice Elite (Pink) - 19.99 - Reg 149.99
Hands Free Kit - 11.99 - Reg 39.99
Glass Cutting Mat - 5.99 - Reg 19.99
Ball Point Pen tips (3 packs) - 2.99 - Reg 12.99
Marker Tips (3 different color packs) - 2.99 - Reg 14.99
Design Cards (18 - yes 18 different ones) - 2.00 - Reg 39.99
Total Spent - $92
Retail Cost - $1014
Total Saved - $922
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Let's get this thing going again
A new year and new list of exciting things for the new year. I did finish my 356 days of pictures even though I stopped blogging about it. It was just too hard to find time to blog every day about a picture that may have just been the sunrise or a flower. I know those things are so exciting and you wanted to know what I was thinking when I took the picture. Well most of the time I was thinking what can I take a picture of today in the beginning and then it was oh know it is 7pm and I haven't took a picture that then turned into what was I thinking I don't want to take a picture today and finally it was I can't think of anything to take a picture of and is is Dec 31 yet....that was in May. So now you know why I stopped writing about it, but like anything I start I had to complete the project.
Now onto a new year and new idea. I have decided instead of devoting a day to something for an entire year I would make a list of projects both craft and home that I want to do by the end of the year. So far my list is at 35 projects. They range from a 30 minute project to a 3-4 day project. Once a project is complete I will post about it. My goal is to give people ideas and inspiration to become more crafty.
Now that we have that out of the way on to the projects I have completed. Each will get it's own post in case someone wants to link to it. Not sure that will happen but just in case. My first project was organizing my craft area which was primarily moving it to a new location and organizing my scrapbook stuff. The table was in the office and I never used it because everyone was always piling stuff on it and the stuff wasn't organized. Well I solved that problem and consolidated everything at the same time. I had empty shelves and drawers because of the way the table was arranged that I couldn't access them. I moved the table into the living room. Something that I really didn't want to do because I didn't want it in there but I have no where else to put it. With it being in there that means it will stay clean an organize since I have to look at it every day. Now everything in a drawer that is labeled with the contents. Every thing has a specific place including a spot for projects I am working on. As of right now nothing is out. My Cricut will be out at some point but as of now it stays in it's green carrying case.
This corner was Vivian's. It had a table and a 5 drawer plastic container with her coloring books, play dough, crayons, etc. I have moved that to another are in the living room. You can see her roll of paper had not been moved when I took the picture. It is still sitting on the fireplace. It just gets moved around and has not real home. I need to find a good location for it but can't think of where I want it.
Now onto a new year and new idea. I have decided instead of devoting a day to something for an entire year I would make a list of projects both craft and home that I want to do by the end of the year. So far my list is at 35 projects. They range from a 30 minute project to a 3-4 day project. Once a project is complete I will post about it. My goal is to give people ideas and inspiration to become more crafty.
Now that we have that out of the way on to the projects I have completed. Each will get it's own post in case someone wants to link to it. Not sure that will happen but just in case. My first project was organizing my craft area which was primarily moving it to a new location and organizing my scrapbook stuff. The table was in the office and I never used it because everyone was always piling stuff on it and the stuff wasn't organized. Well I solved that problem and consolidated everything at the same time. I had empty shelves and drawers because of the way the table was arranged that I couldn't access them. I moved the table into the living room. Something that I really didn't want to do because I didn't want it in there but I have no where else to put it. With it being in there that means it will stay clean an organize since I have to look at it every day. Now everything in a drawer that is labeled with the contents. Every thing has a specific place including a spot for projects I am working on. As of right now nothing is out. My Cricut will be out at some point but as of now it stays in it's green carrying case.
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