Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today went by so fast.  I don't know where the time went.  I guess when you are busy time flies by.  The day started with getting Kirsten and Anthony up and off to school.  Normally Wednesday Vivian would go to Mom's day out, but the past few days she hasn't been feeling well and I was going to take her today, but she is coughing up a lot of mucus.  The coughing is causing her to gag and a few times she has thrown up from the gagging.   I would prefer her to stay home when she is like this.  I still had to take her to the center for class pictures.  We spent 30 minutes there then we went to CVS, Wal-Mart and back home.   Next on my to-do list, a doctor visit for me.  I had my annual checkup and my doc said every thing looked good and then handed me a referral for a mammogram.  I knew he was going to since my mom died from breast cancer and I have talked to my doctor about it as well as my concerns about it.  Since my insurance pays for them at any age we decided it was time to get another one.  The first one was 5 years ago.  I came home fed Vivian lunch and put her down for a nap, then called my insurance to verify my coverage for mammograms.  They are covered 100% once a year.  Called the hospital radiology department and made an appointment.  After all that I decided it was time for a treat.  Pablo has to have cookies every night before bed so I  decided to make sugar cookies.  We haven't had them in a long time.  I usually just make chocolate chip cookies, but I wanted something different.

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