Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was a very overcast day.  Since I didn't feel like going any where Vivian and I stayed in pajamas all day.  I was really hoping the sun would come out so Vivian and I could go for a walk.  I prefer to walk in warm sunny weather.  I can't wait for spring when the warmer weather returns.  What to take a picture of?  Yes this is the daily million dollar question especially when we don't leave the house.  There is only so much I can take a picture of in the house that I would like to add to this project.  I walked in the backyard to find something.  The only thing I could find were these things that fall off the trees.  I have no idea what they are called but it was an opportunity to see how far I could zoom in on something and get a clear, detailed picture.  I had to use a flash, because without it I just got a dark picture with no detail since there was no sun in sight.

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