Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was a rainy day which meant no time for any outdoor activities.  I spent the day playing with Vivian.  She wanted to "cook" for me so I spent the day as a "taste" tester of some very delicious plastic food.  She did warn me when she handed me the bowl "careful it's hot".   The rest of the day was spent making bows.  Yesterday I got my new order of ribbon.  I love the place I get my ribbon from.  I placed the order around 10am on Friday and the box was in my mailbox yesterday at 11am.  If you want to know where I buy from it is the Hairbow Center (http://www.hairbowcenter.com/)  It is the cheapest place I can find online.

Yesterday my picture was of a baby fish we found in our fish tank.  Today's picture is one of the parents.


  1. I didn't know you had a fish tank - is that a cichlid? I have a Texas Cichlid that I got while I was in college, in 2002. He'll be with me 9 years in May, crazy, huh? He's the only one in there because he's so territorial, but I've had lots of fish though the years. Wondering what you've got in your tank!

  2. I will have the ask Pablo. The fish are his and he knows what they are. I may have to take a picture of the whole tank for you to see what we have.
