Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today is a bad day.  It has only been a week since Pablo has been gone but today was a bad day.  Every thing got on my nerves.  It didn't matter what it was.  I was just in a foul mood.  On days like this I feel bad for the kids.  I was hoping I would feel better as the day went on but no.  I made the kids go outside since it was so nice.  Vivian loves playing outside but it is hard to get the older ones to go outside.

I am not sure what I am going to do with Vivian we are on day 2 of no nap and waking up early.  I am hoping this is just a phase and she goes back to naps, because by 6pm she is soooo grumpy.  She also started climbing out of her crib.  She climbed out yesterday at nap time, this morning after she got up and today at nap time.  She also figured out how to open a regular door knob.  I was sitting on the couch when Vivian walked into the living room.  I asked if she climbed out of her bed "yes" who open your door "i did it"  I didn't believe her so we walked to her room and closed the door.  Sure enough she opened it.

Frank enjoying the beautiful weather

Day 57 of 365 Days of Pictures

Tonight we went to Metairie for the Ceasar parade.  It was a good time.  We also went to Family Gras before the parade.  It was a free event with bands and activities for the kids.  We got to see Tito Jackson perform.  After he performed we headed over to the kids and crafter area.  While walking through the craft area we saw Tito Jackson giving an interview.  After the interview he gave out autographs and posed for pictures.  He took a lot of pictures and in some he held the little kids.  He was a really nice man.  He never rushed anyone and took time with each of the fans.  It was actually the police escort that rushed people so he could leave.

The grand marshall's of the parade were the Smurfs.  It was so funny hearing Vivian screaming "mommy, murfs" over and over.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56 of 365 Days of Pictures

Another beautiful day.  It would have been better but I had to go to the eye doctor.  I only scheduled an appointment because my left eye has been hazy and I have been getting headaches.    Nothing has changed with my vision.  He found no problems with my left eye and said the symptoms I was explaining may be due to allergies.  He recommended an allergy eye drop and gave me some gel eye drops to use at night.  Lets hope this resolves the problems.

Kirsten had another softball game tonight.  The team has showed great improvement over the last 3 games. Tonight they actually played like a team.  I think the girls are starting to understand the game and their positions.  The won the game with a final score of 17-4

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54 of 365 Days of Pictures

This was the first day that I spent alone.  Yes I have spent days alone before when Pablo was out of town, but for some reason it just felt different today.  I planned on doing something for me, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do.  I took Vivian to MDO, dropped off some prescriptions and then came home.  I picked up the living room, Vivian's room and did the laundry.  Once that was done and I ate lunch it was time to go back to the pharmacy and then I had to go to Home Depot and Big Lots.  I have all the supplies to make Vivian's book sling for her bed.  I just need to do it now.  Tomorrow I have to go get my eyes checked and then I will be going for a walk with a friend.  I am really going to try to make the sling while Vivian naps tomorrow.   I think I need a sewing table that I can keep my sewing machine on, that will fold up for storage and fit in the closet I keep my sewing stuff in.  It will make my sewing projects easier.  Right now I have to get out a table and everything I need to sew.  I did convert an old scrapbook rolling tote into a tote for my sewing machine, patterns and some thread.

Vivian watching some people play golf.  It is hard to explain that they don't want to be disturbed.  She is always yelling "Hello" or "Hi" to them

Day 53 of 365 Days of Pictures

Another day.  Spent the day at home.  The weather has been nice the past few days and Vivian has been playing in the back yard.  She loves jumping on the trampoline and playing with her slide.  As soon as it gets a little warmer I will get the water table out.  I am also thinking of getting a sandbox since she now wants to dig in the dirt.  I am planning on planting a garden this year and may give her an area to "plant" too.

Kirsten had a softball game tonight.  It was very nice out.  Last week it got cold at the game.  Tonight I dressed everyone warmer and brought a blanket, but there was no need to use it.  The temperature was perfect.  Where we play we get to watch the sunset during the game.

Day 52 of 365 Days of Pictures

Day one of Pablo being gone.  I am not sure how I will make it two months without him.  We have done this before, but I was working full time and the time passed quickly because I had work and people to talk to.  Now I am not working and the only adult interaction I get is with Pablo.  It is really bad that I have NO social life.  I spend my days at home with Vivian and rarely leave the house  When I do leave, it is to go the to grocery store or run errands.  I try to get Vivian out of the house and go somewhere fun but that doesn't happen very often because it is an all day event since we live 30 minutes from everything.

Picture of the neighbors tree.  Just playing around with the camera.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today Pablo left for 2 months.  I spent the morning packing his bags and making sure he had everything he needed.  I even slipped a little surprise in his bag.  I bought him a couple of packs of snack size snickers.  Just a little something to surprise him.  It is always hard to tell him goodbye when he leaves, but today was harder  than it has ever been.  The house is going to be so quiet during the day.  I am not sure what I am going to do.  My life centers around my family and he is the only adult interaction I get.  I really need to get a social life.

I spotted this bird on the way home and I was able to get a picture as he was stretching his wings.

Day 50 of 365 Days of Pictures

Spent the day with the family.  Tomorrow Pablo leaves for deployment.  He will be gone for 2 months.  I hope it goes by fast.  We went to breakfast, watched a movie and then Pablo spent some time with the kids playing basketball and PS3.  The night ended with Pablo and I watching watching a movie alone.

Kirsten ran in tonight to tell me I had to take a picture of the clouds

Day 49 of 365 Days of Pictures

What a beautiful day.  I spent the morning running some errands.  I had a few things i had to get for Pablo for his deployment.  When we got home Vivian did not want to take a nap.  Since it was nice out I let her play in the back yard.  She was enjoying jumping on the trampoline.  All she would say during the cold weather is "Jump" and point outside.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 48 of 365 Days of Pictures

Vivian was not in a good mood this morning.  Nothing made her happy.  She woke up in the middle of the night and then she woke up about an hour before she normally does resulting in a very cranky and whiny little girl.  Every little thing was making her upset.  I put her down for her nap at 12:45pm and she played until about 2pm then she fell asleep and did not wake until after 4pm.  She was much happier when she got up.

Kirsten had her first softball game tonight.  She is playing center field.  She scored a run.  She almost didn't make it, but she slid into home just before the catcher got the ball.  I talked to her coach after the game and her coach is very impressed with her considering it is her first year playing softball.  She also said Kirsten has the best attitude on the team and if she keeps it up she could be the captain.

Vivian watching Kirsten play softball.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47 of 365 Days of Pictures

Kirsten had her first field trip with the gifted program today.  They went to view the exhibits at New Orleans Museum of Art.  I have not been to the museum in a really long time.  It was a great day.  She really enjoyed the museum.  On the way home she asked me to sit next to her on the bus.  On the way there she didn't want me to.  She even told me she had a great time because I was there.  She was happy to have alone time with me.  We rarely get one on one time anymore.  We also had a picnic lunch at City Park after the museum.  City Park has many trees with Spanish Moss.  I have been wanting to get a picture of the moss and today was the perfect opportunity.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was a very busy day.  I spent the day running errands.  I had to go get brackets for the book slings, pick up softball stuff for Kirsten, some stuff for Pablo's upcoming trip, lunch with Pablo and a few other stops.  Left the house at 10am and got home jus tin time for Kirsten and Anthony to get home from school at 3pm.  Now I am trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  No one is any help.  I ask what they want and I either get s shoulder shrug or "I don't know"  I had something on the list for today but I forgot to defrost meat.  That is what happens when I have a busy day.

Here is the plant Pablo got me for Valentine's day.  He said it would live longer than flowers.

Day 45 of 365 Days of Pictures

Valentines day is here.  Not a big day in our house.  We are not big on celebrating much.  Really the only day we celebrate is Christmas.  Birthdays, anniversary and every other holiday is just another day for us.  I did make cupcakes a couple of days ago for today.  I sent the kids to school with Valentine's even though neither is having a party.  The teachers think they are too old for a party.  I remember having parties for the holidays in 5th grade and then they stopped.  The kids stopped having parties last year in 3rd and 5th grade.   Not much else going on today.  I am doing laundry, washing and ironing the fabric I bought for the book slings in Kirsten and Vivian's room's.  Once they are made I will see if Anthony also wants one.

My Valentine's present to myself - Dark Chocolate M&Ms

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44 of 365 Days of Pictures

Sunday means laundry and cleaning day.  I have been doing good about keeping up with the laundry but the kids aren't as good getting their clothes into the laundry room until the weekend.  I also spent some time cleaning around the house but it was more of the daily stuff like picking up after Vivian and cleaning the kitchen.  I did leave the house when I had to go pick up Kirsten from her sleepover.  After I picked up her up, we stopped by the store and I got the material and items to make the book sling for Vivian's room.  I also found some material to make one for Kirsten's wall.  I just need to find a double rod bracket to hang it with.  Walmart and Home Depot did not have any.  I will be checking Lowes and the drapery department at JcPenny.  I love the fabric I found and bought more than I needed because I plan on using it for a book sling on her wall.

Day 43 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was an uneventful day.  Spent the morning eating and then some shopping before we had to get back home so Kirsten could get ready for a birthday party.  I took her to the party only to find out it was a sleepover.  She didn't know.  I ran back home and got her a few things for the night.  The rest of the day was spent at home.  Nothing exciting or a normal day in our life.  We ended the night by making chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting.  Yummy!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42 of 365 Days of Pictures

Very busy day.   Spent the first half of the day running errands.  I had to go to the bank, meet someone to get more shelves for the closet, go to Sam's, go to Verizon, to the mall to fix a pair of Kirsten's glasses then to Walmart.  I am happy to say it was a success.  I left at 8:45am and got home at 12:00pm.  One hour was spent at the mall while I waited for the glasses to be repaired.  During that hour I walked around the mall and did some browsing, but I didn't buy anything except lunch.  When I got home Pablo was excited because his company sent him his Iphone.  We then sent some time looking for apps.  After that I cooked dinner, ate, cleaned the kitchen and then picked up the living room.  Now it is time to relax and catch up on some shows.

Mmmm - Enchiladas

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today Verizon release the iphone.  I really didn't think I was going to get one since the pre-orders sold out in a couple of hours.  I wasn't planning on going to the store.  I expected the phones to be sold out early since the stores were opening at 7am to sell the iphone.  I called at 9am and they still had the phones.  I called back at 12:30pm and they still had them.  Pablo told me to go get one.  I went to the store and to my surprise there was only 1 other person there and she was not getting an iphone.  Outside the store there was a roped area.  I am guessing that is where the line was when they opened.  The manager said they had a rush early and they were expecting another rush after 5pm when everyone got off work.  I was out of the store in 30 minutes.  That was how long it took to them to upgrade the phone, configure it, transfer my contacts, sign a new contract and pay.  Now I need to find all the great apps everyone uses.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40 of 365 Days of Pictures

Another boring day that involved lots of cleaning.  I took Vivian to Mom's Day Out and then came back home and did some cleaning that is not easy to do when you have a 2 year old running through the house.  I was able to vacuum my room, the living room and under the couch cushions.  I was also able to mop the floors and clean the grout.  Then I cleaned the base boards.  I was also able to get a couple of loads of laundry done.  Vivian like to "help" with folding clothes by unfolding the ones I have folded or taking them to her siblings rooms and throwing them on the floor resulting in me needing to fold them again.

Tonight I think someone got bored while I was cooking.  She was sitting at the counter ready a book and I heard her make what sounded like a sigh when I turned around this is what I saw.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39 of 365 Days of Pictures

What a wonderful lazy day.  I didn't do much.  I did a little cleaning.  I also made Chicken Pot Pie from scratch.  I am so glad I have the opportunity to try different recipes.  One of the benefits of me staying home.  I get to do play around with my crafts and in the kitchen.   I am constantly looking for new things to cook and crafts to make.   I like to find things that I can make to help organize my house better.

I can not wait for the warm weather and all the things that come with the warm weather such as leaves on trees and flowers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38 of 365 Days of Pictures

Not much to say.  Pablo went out of town today, but he will be back on Wednesday night.  I really don't like it when he travels, but his job is what allows me to be a stay at home mom.    This time he is only gone a few days and I can deal with that.  I am not sure how I am going to survive when he goes on deployment again.  For the next deployment he will be gone for 8 weeks.  I would think I would be able to handle the deployments since he missed all but 3 months of my pregnancy with Vivian.  He was out of town for 3-6 months was home for 2weeks and then gone for 7-9 months.  He came back home when I was 38 weeks.  The next time he travel was when Vivian was 3 months and he was gone for 2 months.   Other than those times he normally only travels a week every couple of months.  I can deal with the travel because when he is home I get to see him all the time since he works from home.

Vivian's new thing is saying "picture me" and then saying "cheeeeese".  She always has a silly looking face when she says cheese.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37 of 365 Days of Pictures

Not much today.  We went to IHOP this morning for breakfast then I spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing laundry.  The kids played outside a lot of the day.  It was a very nice day to spend outside.  It gave me some quiet time in the house.

Tonight while I was cooking dinner Vivian climbed into her high chair and was imitating a tiger.  She kept saying "roar" and then screaming like she was scared.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was the last day for basketball games.  Unfortunately neither team made the final game.  Kirsten's team was close.  If they would have won their last game they would have made the final game.  Oh well there is always next year.  We thought this was her last year for the recreation league, but when I asked the person in charge of the league he said next year they will start the registration in Oct so they can start the games earlier.  Since her birthday is in Dec she can play one more year.

After the games were done, I had to take Kirsten to get her eyes checked.  She said it is getting harder to see the board at school.  Her vision is not bad.  She is near sighted in her left eye and has the astigmatism in her right.  We got the exam at Walmart, but went to Eye Masters for her glasses.  Glasses would have been cheaper at Walmart, but she couldn't find and frames she liked.  She got 2 pairs of glasses for $135.  I paid more for mine that I got at Walmart a year ago.  Speaking of me, I found out my prescription expired in Jan.  Now I need to schedule an exam for me, but that can wait a little while longer.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35 of 365 Days of Pictures

I bought my first king cake of the season today.  I forgot how good they are.  I must limited myself to 1, but I know I am going to have to buy at least 1 more when I have friends come in town for Mardi Gras.

The majority of the day was spent remodeling the closet in the master bedroom.  We first went to Sam's and bought the organization unit.  Then we stopped buy home depot to get some paint and other little things for the remodel.  We removed everything.  My bedroom looked like a dump.  Every thing was every where.  The next step was to repaint the closet.  After the paint was dried we installed the unit.  I am very happy with how it turned out.  I got most of the stuff put back but there is still some things to put away, but I got every thing off my bed and I can goto bed now.  I am worn out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34 of 365 Days of Pictures

Oh man was it cold today.  I didn't even leave the house today.  I prefer to avoid the cold weather and icy roads.  It was also the 5 year anniversary of the day my mom lost her battle to Breast Cancer.  I preferred to  sit at home to reflect on the last 5 years.  So much has happened.  It is hard to think of everything my mom has missed and what she will never be part of.  Growing up it was just her and me.  She was everything to me.  Watching her struggle to raise 3 kids on her own I learned a lot.  Not on just being a good mom but how to survive anything on your own.  I couldn't have asked for a better mom.  She was not only my mom but my best friend.  I shared almost everything with her.  She sacrificed so much for us and I know a lot of the times it was her happiness she sacrificed to make sure we were happy, clothed, fed and had a roof over our heads.  I now know why she did it.  Our children are the most important thing and everything else doesn't mean anything if our kids are not happy and healthy.  I make a lot of sacrifices for my children and will until the end.

When my mom passed away she was cremated.  This was what she wanted.  Little did I know when we were making the final plans for her that there was so many urns to choose from.  There is a catalog with everything from small keepsakes to very extravagant urns.  My siblings and I each got a keepsake urn and my father got the remainder of her ashes in a cherrywood box.  My sister picked a wind chime while my brother and I each selected a miniature urn.  This is my urn.   It was very important that we did this especially to me since I live 500 miles from the rest of my family.  No matter what my mom will always be with me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today we woke up to very cold weather.  Yesterday the high was 70 and today was 37.   That is a serious drop in temperature.  We also got to see some sleet a few times today.  Luckily it melted as soon as it hit the ground.   I don't like cold weather so it was a bad day to be out, but I had things I had to do since it is the only day of the week I don't have kids.  First I took Kirsten and Anthony to school, then I came home to wake up Vivian and get her ready for Mom's day out.  Once I dropped her off it was time to take my car to the shop.  I had to get my oil and brakes changed.  Pablo met me at the shop and then we went to IHOP to eat a late breakfast.  He dropped me off at home and I did a load of laundry.  Then it was time for me to go to the hospital for a mammogram.  Pablo got home just in time for me to use his truck to go to my appointment.  No problems at the hospital.  Got there at 12:50pm for a 1pm appointment.  I was on my way back home at 1:30pm.  One of the benefits of living in a small town.  I have never had long waits at the hospital even in the ER and it is a very small hospital.  I came home finished my laundry and then it was time to go pick up Vivian then my car.  As soon as we got home it was time to cook dinner.  We had to eat early because Anthony and Kirsten had basketball practice.  I took Anthony to practice, brought him home, got him and Vivian ready for bed while Pablo took Kirsten to her practice.  Now everyone is back home and in bed.

I didn't have much time to think about a picture today.  The winds were very strong tonight so I took a picture of the flag at the school.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 of 365 Days of Pictures

Rain, rain and more rain is all I have to say.  It rained ALL day long.  I didn't leave the house except to take the kids to school.  Once I got home I decided I was not leaving again.  It was jus tone of those days that I felt like the weather looked.  I just wanted to crawl in bed and watch some TV.  I did watch TV but for the first half of the day it was stuck on Sprout courtesy of Vivian and me being to lazy to change the channel.  Once she was down for a nap, I switched it over to Lifetime.  Sometimes I think my TV is stuck on that channel and you know it is bad when you have seen most of the movies.  I love to watch Lifetime because they show a lot of chick flicks.  Pablo make jokes about it all the time.

My picture today is an attempt at capturing a fast moving object.  Since it was raining, I decided I would try to capture a droplet of water as it comes out of the faucet.  My goal was to get the drop after it dropped.  I couldn't get it.  I tried for about 30 minutes, but all I could get was either the drop getting ready to fall, after it fell or as it was dropping, but none with it in mid-air.  Oh well.  I have until Dec 31 to try again.