Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was the last day for basketball games.  Unfortunately neither team made the final game.  Kirsten's team was close.  If they would have won their last game they would have made the final game.  Oh well there is always next year.  We thought this was her last year for the recreation league, but when I asked the person in charge of the league he said next year they will start the registration in Oct so they can start the games earlier.  Since her birthday is in Dec she can play one more year.

After the games were done, I had to take Kirsten to get her eyes checked.  She said it is getting harder to see the board at school.  Her vision is not bad.  She is near sighted in her left eye and has the astigmatism in her right.  We got the exam at Walmart, but went to Eye Masters for her glasses.  Glasses would have been cheaper at Walmart, but she couldn't find and frames she liked.  She got 2 pairs of glasses for $135.  I paid more for mine that I got at Walmart a year ago.  Speaking of me, I found out my prescription expired in Jan.  Now I need to schedule an exam for me, but that can wait a little while longer.

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