Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42 of 365 Days of Pictures

Very busy day.   Spent the first half of the day running errands.  I had to go to the bank, meet someone to get more shelves for the closet, go to Sam's, go to Verizon, to the mall to fix a pair of Kirsten's glasses then to Walmart.  I am happy to say it was a success.  I left at 8:45am and got home at 12:00pm.  One hour was spent at the mall while I waited for the glasses to be repaired.  During that hour I walked around the mall and did some browsing, but I didn't buy anything except lunch.  When I got home Pablo was excited because his company sent him his Iphone.  We then sent some time looking for apps.  After that I cooked dinner, ate, cleaned the kitchen and then picked up the living room.  Now it is time to relax and catch up on some shows.

Mmmm - Enchiladas

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