Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 of 365 Days of Pictures

Rain, rain and more rain is all I have to say.  It rained ALL day long.  I didn't leave the house except to take the kids to school.  Once I got home I decided I was not leaving again.  It was jus tone of those days that I felt like the weather looked.  I just wanted to crawl in bed and watch some TV.  I did watch TV but for the first half of the day it was stuck on Sprout courtesy of Vivian and me being to lazy to change the channel.  Once she was down for a nap, I switched it over to Lifetime.  Sometimes I think my TV is stuck on that channel and you know it is bad when you have seen most of the movies.  I love to watch Lifetime because they show a lot of chick flicks.  Pablo make jokes about it all the time.

My picture today is an attempt at capturing a fast moving object.  Since it was raining, I decided I would try to capture a droplet of water as it comes out of the faucet.  My goal was to get the drop after it dropped.  I couldn't get it.  I tried for about 30 minutes, but all I could get was either the drop getting ready to fall, after it fell or as it was dropping, but none with it in mid-air.  Oh well.  I have until Dec 31 to try again.

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