Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today we woke up to very cold weather.  Yesterday the high was 70 and today was 37.   That is a serious drop in temperature.  We also got to see some sleet a few times today.  Luckily it melted as soon as it hit the ground.   I don't like cold weather so it was a bad day to be out, but I had things I had to do since it is the only day of the week I don't have kids.  First I took Kirsten and Anthony to school, then I came home to wake up Vivian and get her ready for Mom's day out.  Once I dropped her off it was time to take my car to the shop.  I had to get my oil and brakes changed.  Pablo met me at the shop and then we went to IHOP to eat a late breakfast.  He dropped me off at home and I did a load of laundry.  Then it was time for me to go to the hospital for a mammogram.  Pablo got home just in time for me to use his truck to go to my appointment.  No problems at the hospital.  Got there at 12:50pm for a 1pm appointment.  I was on my way back home at 1:30pm.  One of the benefits of living in a small town.  I have never had long waits at the hospital even in the ER and it is a very small hospital.  I came home finished my laundry and then it was time to go pick up Vivian then my car.  As soon as we got home it was time to cook dinner.  We had to eat early because Anthony and Kirsten had basketball practice.  I took Anthony to practice, brought him home, got him and Vivian ready for bed while Pablo took Kirsten to her practice.  Now everyone is back home and in bed.

I didn't have much time to think about a picture today.  The winds were very strong tonight so I took a picture of the flag at the school.

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