Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today was a very busy day.  I spent the day running errands.  I had to go get brackets for the book slings, pick up softball stuff for Kirsten, some stuff for Pablo's upcoming trip, lunch with Pablo and a few other stops.  Left the house at 10am and got home jus tin time for Kirsten and Anthony to get home from school at 3pm.  Now I am trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  No one is any help.  I ask what they want and I either get s shoulder shrug or "I don't know"  I had something on the list for today but I forgot to defrost meat.  That is what happens when I have a busy day.

Here is the plant Pablo got me for Valentine's day.  He said it would live longer than flowers.

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