Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 45 of 365 Days of Pictures

Valentines day is here.  Not a big day in our house.  We are not big on celebrating much.  Really the only day we celebrate is Christmas.  Birthdays, anniversary and every other holiday is just another day for us.  I did make cupcakes a couple of days ago for today.  I sent the kids to school with Valentine's even though neither is having a party.  The teachers think they are too old for a party.  I remember having parties for the holidays in 5th grade and then they stopped.  The kids stopped having parties last year in 3rd and 5th grade.   Not much else going on today.  I am doing laundry, washing and ironing the fabric I bought for the book slings in Kirsten and Vivian's room's.  Once they are made I will see if Anthony also wants one.

My Valentine's present to myself - Dark Chocolate M&Ms

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