Friday, September 23, 2011

Target: How can I hate and love you at the same time

I have been feeling very well blah lately.  I just haven’t wanted to be in the house because it makes me feel worse.  What is blah?  It is every feeling that makes you feel like staying bed or laying on the couch all day and not do anything or a form of depression.  Maybe I am not sure but I needed to get over that feeling. So what do I decide to do?  Retail therapy of course.  Although I really shouldn’t, but I needed to get out of the house and what else is there to do when you don’t have kids with you.  I got in the car and the next thing I know I am walking into Target.  Darn the luck.  While walking through the store I see they are in the process of marking clearance stuff down again.  What department are they working on?  Bedding and bath.  I am excited because I want to get Vivian’s next bedding set and the one I have been watching for months is now 75% off. I just purchased the set last week for 50% off.  I talked to the manager and she told me to go to customer service for a price adjustment.  Score.  I was able to get the two sets I couldn’t decide on for the price I paid for the one last week. I also found Kirsten and Anthony new bedding as well as a few other things.  Christmas shopping has begun.  Did I go over board with my purchases?  Probably.  Was it worth it?  Definitely.  Now lets take a look at what I got and what I saved.  The grand total of savings is $471.11 or about a 72% savings or an average of $7.81 per item.  The most expensive item was an owl rug, but it was the last one and it matches the theme of Vivian’s room.  I am very happy about the savings.

Regular Price
Sale Price
Piggy Banks – 3
12.99 each
3.24 each
Chick Pillow
Twin Sheet Set – 3
17.99 each
4.48 each
Full Sheet Set
King Sheet Set
Twin Bed in a Bag
Full Sheet Set
Full/Queen Quilt
Full/Queen Quilt
Chick Night Light
Twin Quilt - 2
64.99 each
16.24 each
Wall Decals
Owl Rug
Twin Bed Skirt
Black Rug
Lap Desk – 2
14.99 each
3.74 each

Total – 23 items

For the visual people here are pictures of everything. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Update on everything

I know I haven't been blogging or posting anything.  What can I say I have been busy and life has gotten busy.  School, end of school, easter, spring break, vacation, baseball and anything else you can fit into the last few months.  The kids are out of school for the summer and I have been trying to keep them entertained.  Not easy when they are 2, 10 and 12.  I can take Vivian to the zoo or the park but the older kids get bored.  Go to an amusement park, Vivian can't do anything.  We mainly just stay home because it doesn't cost anything.  We got a pool so the kids spend a lot of time there.  Not much more to do since they are the only kids in the neighborhood.  I am still taking pictures and posting them on Facebook.  At the end of the year I will probably print them all and make a photo album out of them.

Today I decided to start doing crafts again.  I go through phases of being crafty.  I will be making some felt food for Vivian.  I spent most of the day yesterday looking for tutorials and templates.  I found a few I like. I will also be checking out books at the library.  I looked at the online catalog and they have some felt craft books.  I wanted to do something that I can do while sitting on the couch or on the back porch without having to drag a lot of supplies out.  Sewing requires me to get a lot of stuff out and takes more time and attention than most crafts.  I will be going to the craft store tomorrow and getting some felt and looking at some other small craft projects the kids and I can do together.

We have a little over a month left of summer vacation and then the kids return to school.  I will be starting the school supply shopping and getting school uniforms ready in the next couple of weeks.  I still can't believe Kirsten will be in 7th grade, Anthony will be in 5th grade and Vivian will start pre-K next year.  This year I will be sending her to the same program I sent her to last year except it will be 2 days until the Christmas break and then 3 days after that.  I am doing this to prepare her for the 5 day a week pre-K program.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 104 of 365 Days of Pictures

Well, after a few days of Vivian climbing out of her crib, I decided to convert it.  We also went to the store and got a toddler bedding set.  I did not want any cartoon characters.  There are not many toddler sets that do not have characters on them.  I found one at Target that I really liked.  It has owls on it.  At one time I did not like the owl patterns but they are getting cuter.  I couldn't pass up this set it was too cute.  I converted the crib while Vivian took a nap in my room.  When she got up I showed her the new bed.  She climbed in and laid down.  I was able to get a picture of her in it before she jumped out of the bed again.

Day 103 of 365 Days of Pictures

Another garden picture.  These are the beginning of cantaloupe.  We also have watermelon.  They won't be ready for a few more months.

Day 102 of 365 Days of Pictures

These are the first tomatoes in the garden.  It may be a few more weeks before they are big enough to pick.  The tomato plants have about 20 flower buds and tomatoes growing.  I am planning to make some homemade salsa once they are all ripe.  I also have cilantro growing for the salsa.

Day 101 of 365 Days of Pictures

The garden is doing well and today I got to pick some spinach.  There was enough for a small salad and it was yummy.  Can't wait to see how much I get out of the garden this year.

Day 100 of 365 Days of Pictures

Spring is in the air and lots of critters are coming out running around and flying around.

Day 99 of 365 Days of Pictures

Pablo wanted a picture of the kids.  These days it is so hard to get a good picture of the kids.  They either don't want to take a picture or they start fighting.  This is the only one I could get of all 3 of them.  A few moments after this they began arguing and then Vivian ran off.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98 of 365 Days of Pictures

What I thought was going to be a great day ended a bad day.  The day started with Kirsten and Anthony getting up and ready for school while I slept.  They came in my room to tell me they were walking to the bus.  Then Vivian slept until 9am.  I really needed that extra sleep.  Everything was going well.  Vivian and I went to the store and then we stopped for lunch.  I decided to check my email while we were eating and was hit with a bomb.  I was excited and getting the house and stuff in order for Pablo to come home on Wednesday only to find out that is not happening and it may be another 6-8 weeks before he comes home. I am absolutely devastated.  He is on deployment as support staff.  The ship was scheduled to stop on Monday and he was going to do a turnover with his business partner and come home.  Well the ship isn't stopping and the next stop isn't scheduled yet.

Day 97 of 365 Days of Pictures

We went to the zoo today.  I wanted to get Vivian out of the house and the zoo now has a splash park that I wanted to take her to.  I will say I can't wait for the summer when I can take all the kids.  The splash park is more than just water sprays everywhere.  There are slides and it looks like even the older kids will have fun.  While at the zoo we had to see one of Vivian's favorite animals the monkeys.  She likes them because they are more active than any of the other animals.

Day 96 of 365 Days of Pictures

We have some new neighbors.  They moved in the day after the storm.   I haven't figured out where they live yet but they travel in a group of 4.  They have been under Pablo's truck, in our yard and in our neighbors' yards.  The kids said they have seen some little ones around too.  What do they look like?

Day 95 of 365 Days of Pictures

Spent the day cleaning the house.  It seems this is all I do most of the time.  I really wish the kids would pick up after themselves.  I expect Vivian not to pick up her toys but the other two have no excuse for not helping out.  Of course I can't go on strike or the house would fall apart.

Our baby fish is growing and starting to come out hiding more.  There is a rock that he likes to hide behind and under.  Now when I feed them he comes out to eat although he stays close to his hiding  spot.  I was finally able to get a picture of him today.

Day 94 of 365 Days of Pictures

What a day.  Some days are good and some are not when Pablo is not here.  Today was a bad day.  Knowing he is coming home soon gets me though each day.  I had to get out of the house.  Vivian and I went on a very short walk just to get some fresh air.

I took a picture of this same tree at the beginning of February.

Day 93 of 365 Days of Pictures

It was a beautiful day.  Even though I don't like doing anything on Sunday's it was too nice and decided to take the kids to the park.  I always enjoy watching them run around and play.

I got my stitches out today.  The doctor said it could take another 3 weeks to heal enough for the pain to stop when I walk.  He also said if I hit it again it may open back up.  Once the stitches were out I was able to walk without a limp.  I guess it was the pulling of the stitches that was causing so much pain.  There is a little pain but not like there was with the stitches.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 92 of 365 Days of Pictures

Spent a majority of today at the baseball fields.  Kirsten had softball playoffs/tournament today.  Her team finished the season in first place.  This record gave them a bye for the first game.  What did this mean?  She would play two games in a row.  The first game was great and the girls did really good.  They made it to the final game.  The team they played int he final game is the only team they lost to during the season.   They did great, but lost the game.  I am sure they were all exhausted by the 2nd inning since this was the second game they played and only got a 15 minute break between the games.  Kirsten was up to bat 5 times during the 2 games and she made contact with the ball on all but 1.  During the first game she got on base each time.  The second game she struck out once and had a pop-up the second time that resulted in an out.  This is the first time their school has ever made it to the playoff and now they have a trophy to be on display at the school.  I took a picture of the team.  I will be printing and framing it to be displayed next to the trophy.

Day 91 of 365 Days of Pictures

After 90 days of pictures I decided it was time to take one of me.  I got out the tripod and set the timer.  Of course before that I had to actually look presentable for a picture. This meant I had to put on some thing other than my normal day to day clothes that consist of a tank top and lounge pants, no makeup and my hair in a ponytail.  I had to put on makeup and do something with my hair.  I forgot how much time that took.  Now if you saw me on a normal day you would think this picture and me are two different people.  I will say I felt great getting out of my normal clothes, doing my hair and makeup.  I have been feeling really down about the way I look.  I am just not happy with my appearance right now.  I am at the same weight I was when Vivian was 3 months old and not happy about it.  Sure I can diet and exercise, but I have no willpower or motivation to workout.  I was determined to lose some weight while Pablo was out of town.  I did good the first 2 weeks and I was exercising but then I got bored with it and stopped.  I have been doing good with what I eat.  Since Pablo hasn't been here I haven't been buying cookies or baking except for bread.    I can't do much exercising right now due to my ankle still healing and hurting when I am on my feet too much.  I just need to either be happy with the "new" me or actually do something about it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 90 of 365 Days of Pictures

First yeah I made it to 90 days.  This project is a little harder than I thought.  It is hard to remember and decide what to take a picture of everyday.  I am jut happy that I am still at it.

I checked my lime tree today and yes I only have a few lime buds left and about ten flowers that have not bloomed.  Now we just wait and see if we get any limes.  Not sure how I missed it but the lemon tree that seems dead is now trying to come back AGAIN.  We lost the tree to a frost in 2009.  Last year a new tree started to grow and by the end of the year I was able to just break the old tree with my hand.  Again this past winter the tree didn't survive.  The branches are not snapping and I thought there was a chance but no leaves grew on the tree this year.  Now we have ANOTHER tree growing at the base.  This tree is determined to come back.

Here is the new tree

And a picture of the old and new tree

Day 89 of 365 Days of Pictures

Today I had to walk around the outside and see it there was any damage from yesterday's storm.  My main concern was my garden since hail can do a lot of damage to the plants.  There was some damage to some of the leaves and the lettuce, but not enough damage to kill anything.  The high winds blew almost every lime bud or flower off the lime tree.  The tree had tons of lime buds and flowers.  I was hoping to get some limes, but as the flowers died off there were very few that started to turn into limes.  From what I can see there are only a handful of limes left.  I will look at it more when it isn't raining.  My banana pepper plant has blooms and a pepper is starting to grow.  I can't wait to see what I can get out of the garden.  Building and maintaining the garden has been good for me.  I find it relaxing.

Today while Vivian was at school I decided it was time to clean, organize and box up some stuff.  It took me 3 hours but I was able to accomplish what I wanted to do and move ALL of her toys from the living room to her room.  Tonight she came into the living room with some toys and I told her to take them back to her room that my living room is now a toy free zone.  She just looked at me trying to figure out what I was saying.

Banana Pepper plant with the first pepper starting to grow

Day 88 of 365 Days of Pictures

That was a bad storm that came threw tonight.  There was lots of hail, street flooded and so was the backyard.  Vivian was scared of the thunder.  She has never been bothered by it before, but it was really loud tonight.  I jumped a few times because it sounded like it was very close to the house.  Not much else going on.  Kids in school and doing good.  Vivian well she is being a busy 2 year old and keeping me busy too.

Today I will post more than one picture.  Here are a few pictures from the aftermath of the storm.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87 of 365 Days of Pictures

While everyone that has a full time job dreads Monday, there are time s when I look forward to Monday.  Why?  Because that is the day 2 of 3 kids go to school and I get a break from them.  I really hate when my weekends are full of fighting, yelling, screaming and slamming doors.  The joys of a preteen and a 10 year-old.  I am sure if they were both boys or both girls it wouldn't be so bad.  It also wouldn't be bad if they didn't know what exactly makes the other mad.  Most of the time it is Kirsten making Anthony mad and he screams which usually followed by a slamming door.  I am so tempted to take his door off the hinges.  The frame on the door is already coming loose and needs to be fixed.  I am NOT looking forward to when they are both teens unless they start going their own way and doing their own thing.  Right now they are still at the age where they need a playmate whether it be playing sports in the yard or just sitting around.  They always want the other to "play" with them.  Of course now play has a different meaning than when they were 2 and 4.  Now it is playing a video game, playing cards, catch, basketball, riding bikes or just sitting together to watch a movie.  I know one day I will miss seeing them spend time together and I am sure this time will end within the next few years when Kirsten starts high school.  Oh my did I just say that....high school.  Kirsten will be in 7th grade next year and Anthony will be in 5th.  The following year Vivian will be in Pre-K 4 and when she is in Kindergarten I will have a child in elementary, middle and high school.  Oh and when Vivian starts school full -time I will either got back to school for a photography degree or find a job at one of their schools or a private photography studio.

Now my picture of the day.  Moss growing on the fence.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86 of 365 Days of Pictures

This weather just can't get much better.  I love this season so much.  It is not cold and not hot.  We have all been enjoying this weather and spending a lot of time outside.  It is great to see the kids outside instead of in front of the TV.  Another wonderful part is watching everything grow.  My garden is coming along and I can't wait until I can actually see the veggies growing.  My roses are blossoming everyday and each one that opens looks more beautiful than the previous.

Day 85 of 365 Days of Pictures

What a wonderful day.  We went to the spring craft fair at Oak Alley plantation.  I went to find a chair for Vivian.  Several years ago we bought two chairs for our porch.  The guy that makes them also made small ones for kids.  At the time Kirsten and Anthony were too big for the child size chairs.  I see the guy at the craft fair every year.  This year he was there again, but no child size chairs.  I asked if he had any and he said all he had was the adult size.  He will not be making anymore chairs.  He is selling what he has made and once they are gone he will not be making anymore.  He is retiring.  Boo!!  I really wanted a chair for Vivian.  Now I must search for another type of chair for her.

I have always loved going to Oak Alley.  I love looking at the front of the plantation home.

Day 84 of 365 Days of Pictures

Not much going on in our life.  Another uneventful day.  It was a nice day so we got out the water table and Vivian has a blast.  It started with her just playing and end with her sitting in it.  It is always fun watching her.  At this age the smallest things make a child happy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 83 of 365 Days of Pictures

Boring day.  Vivian play outside this morning and I picked up around house since I have neglected it while I waited for my ankle to heal.  I am finally able to walk pretty much normal although every once in a while I feel a pain and limp for a few steps.  I do have a weird feeling every once in while.  I hope it is nothing and just part of the healing process.

The rose I posted yesterday opened up tonight.

Day 82 of 365 Days of Pictures

Spring time is wonderful.  The rose bush I planted the year we moved in is starting to bloom.  There are about 6-7 unopened buds and I found one that already opened.  Too bad they only last a few days before the petals start to fall off.  These roses are not the same type you buy at the flower shop.  I forgot what type they are but they open up until they are almost flat.

The pain is almost completely gone from my ankle.  I can almost walk without a limp.  I will be glad when I can walk normal again.  I really want to start walking everyday again. I can't right now because I am only wearing flip flops and I will not walk 3 miles in them since i have been trying to walk faster.  I started walking last week and walked 2 days for about 45 minutes.  My goal is to get up to walking 45 minutes to 1 hour every day.

Day 81 of 365 Days of Pictures

Woke up and afraid to get out of bed, but I was not in s much pain.  It still hurt to walk but not nearly as bad as yesterday.  The area was still a little tender but I was able to function.  I still spent the day relaxing jus tot make sure I didn't aggravate the area and make it sore again.  Every once in a while when I would take a step or move the wrong way I immediately stopped due to the pain.  Vivian has been really good the past two days.  She kept saying "momma got a boo boo"  and kissing my foot.  She is so adorable.  While she napped I decided I would spend the time relaxing outside on the hammock.  We have been having beautiful weather with a nice breeze.   It was so nice to be able to do this and read a book with no interruptions.  Something that I will be doing more often because I really needed it.

My view from the hammock.

Day 80 of 365 Days of Pictures

Oh what a day.  After yesterday I was glad to start a new day.  That was until I got out of bed.  Oh my!!  I couldn't put any weight on my foot.  I guess I was making a lot of noise not screaming just hopping and trying to get down the hall to wake up the kids because Kirsten came running out her room to see what happened.  She looked at me and I guess she could tell I was in pain.  She told me to go back to bed and she would get everyone ready.  Instead of going back to bed I got ready.  It took me longer than normal because every time I tried to put weight on my foot I almost screamed.  By the time I was done getting ready and made it to the living room the kids were ready to walk out the door.  The rest of the day was spent sitting on the couch.  The best thing to do was to let my ankle heal.  I did check on my garden and flowers.  I am happy it is spring time.  This time of the year the neighborhood looks wonderful because almost every one has an Azalea bush and they are in full bloom right now.  I bought some last year and they are still small.  I bought 2 more this year and I may buy one more for the back yard since the bush I moved is not doing well.  I am pretty sure it will not survive and the rose bush I moved did not survive.  Oh well.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 79 of 365 Days of Pictures

I am so glad this day is over.  The kids woke up around 8:30am and they were fighting by 9:00am.  This continued throughout the day.  I am so glad they are all in bed now and this day is over.  During one of these fighting arguing matches I got injured and ended up with 6 stitches.  How?  We went to Home Depot to look at some stuff.  Vivian likes sitting int he race car baskets.  No problem.  Anthony wanted to push the basket. Sure why not.  Anthony gets tired of pushing the basket and wants to sit in it.  Now Kirsten wants to push him and Vivian around.  Again no problem.  Anthony gets mad because Kirsten is swerving with the basket.  Arguing begins.  I take over and push the basket.  Anthony accidentally pulls Vivian's hair while he tried to move her over to get more room.  She now wants me to carry her.  I ask Kirsten to push the basket and Mrs. Attitude comes out.  She doesn't want to push the basket anymore because it is too hard to push with Anthony in it.  Um you were just pushing both of them and didn't complain at all, but since Anthony no longer wants her to swerve the basket back and forth she doesn't want to push the basket.  I continue walking and tell her to push the basket so we can leave.  She is about 5 feet behind and next thing I know I am hit by the basket almost drop Vivian and I am in extreme pain.  I look down and see a scrape on my leg and part of my ankle.  Man it hurts really bad.  I can't even put weight on that foot.  I start trying to walk with a limp now.  A few steps later I feel dripping.  I look down and there is a lot of blood coming out.  Cashier gives me a paper towel ad I leave the store.  On the way to the car a worker stops to make sure I didn't get injured in the store.  I explain what happened and he looks at my ankle.  He says I may need stitches.  I get in the car and take a closer look.  Yep definitely going to need stitches.  It is about 2 inches wide and about 1/4" deep.  I go to urgent care and I walk out of there 30 minutes later with 6 stitches, a tetanus shot and antibiotics.  Now I am sitting here in pain unable to walk since the numbing medicine they used for the stitches has worn off.  I hope it is not as bad in the morning.

The Dr said any deeper and it may have hit a tendon requiring surgery.

Kirsten feels so bad about it, but not bad enough to get rid of her attitude until I finally blew up and made her clean the Kitchen and living room top to bottom

Day 78 of 365 Days of Pictures

I decided I need something else in the backyard for me since I am spending a lot of time out there with Vivian.  I got a hammock.  I need something to help me relax and enjoy the wonderful spring weather.  I am going to be so sad when it comes to an end.  We haven't had rain in almost 2 weeks.  It has been sunny and clear skies since the last store came through.  Did I say I love this weather?  I wish I could push the pause button on the weather and make every day like this.  What makes it more enjoyable is watching Vivian play around in the back yard.  She is so full of energy and she runs around doing so much.  She will run around with the dogs, ride her bike, slide, play with chalk, play in the dirt, get on the trampoline and anything else she can find to do.

Day 77 of 365 Days of Pictures

We woke up to some nice fog this morning.  We could barely see the houses on the other side of the golf course.  On the way to school I could only see about 1/4 of a mile.  Not much more than that happened today.  Just more tending to the garden, spraying the lime tree and putting some weed and feed on the yard.   I also spent time outside with Vivian.  She is really enjoying this weather and I can't keep her in the house. Maybe next week I will get out the water table.

Day 76 of 365 Days of Pictures

I finally got around to making the book sling to hang in Vivian's bed.  I am very happy with the way it turned out.  I had to make some adjustments since the instructions I had were for one much bigger and for one that hangs on the wall.  I made it half the size in both length and width.  I also had to add some ties in order to hang it on the side of her crib.  I put it in and took all the books she has collected in her bed in the sling.

I am very happy to say my garden is growing nicely.  Everything has sprouted.  It is funny that I look at it every day, but I can tell how much it has grown in one day.  I can't wait until it actually starts growing veggies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 75 of 365 Days of Pictures

I guess I better be glad I am not scared of bees or allergic to them because they were all over the lime tree again today.   More and more flowers are opening every day.  I have been checking the tree daily because in the past there has been something eating the leaves and the lime skin looks like it was scrapped.   I have been reading about fruit trees and pests.  I am determined to get rid of the ones that have already started attacking the leaves and prevent more from appearing.  Today I noticed a HUGE bee.  After looking at it more I realized it is not a normal bee.  It is about 2-3 times the size of the rest of the bees.  After much Google image searches I think I have figured out what type it is.  I think it is a Carpenter bee.

Day 74 of 365 Days of Pictures

We have been experiencing some wonderful weather.  I decided to spend the day outside with Vivian.  I sat on the back porch while she ran around the back yard.  It was so much fun seeing her playing and having a good time.  After lunch it took her forever to fall asleep.  She kept saying she woke up and wanted to go outside.  After about 1 hour 45 minutes she finally fell asleep and slept for about 2 hours.

While playing the yard with Vivian, I decided to check on the lime tree.  There were a lot of bees swarming around it going from flower to flower.  I was excited to see this.  It means the bees are pollinating my tree and hopefully we will see some good limes this year.

Kirsten had a softball game tonight and they won again.  The girls are getting really good.  The final score was 33-11.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 73 of 365 Days of Pictures

Vivian spent the morning playing in the back yard.  I couldn't keep her in the house.  I am really liking this nice spring weather.  It is giving us plenty of time to enjoy outside.  We are trying to adjust to the time change.  Vivian was awake early, but I got her to bed at our normal 8pm time, but our nap time was late, but on time for the old time.

While we were in the back yard I went to check on my lime tree since I sprayed it yesterday.  I found the flower I took a picture of last week has fallen off and we have the start of our first lime.  YEAH!!!

Day 72 of 365 Days of Pictures

Loving this weather.  Another nice day and I didn't have to force the kids out of the house today.  They got up ate and ran outside.  This gave me some time to do laundry and clean up a little around the house.  I checked on my garden and flowers I planted.  Every thing seems to be doing well and some things have begun to sprout.  I am hoping that I actually have a green thumb.  I usually kill anything I plant, but that is usually because I don't take care of them.  I sprayed down the Lime tree.  I saw some small bugs and some of the leaves were curling.  I want to get some good limes this year.  I got some fertilizer spikes for the lime and lemon tree.  I am hoping this will give the lemon tree a boost and it will come back.  If not I will dig it up and get a new one.

Here is another picture of the flowers I planted yesterday.  They are so vibrant and fill of color.  Each pot I planted also has 2-3 different color flowers in it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71 of 365 Days of Pictures

This morning I made another trip to Home Depot to get some stuff for my Lime tree.  It has some thing eating the leaves. Some of the leaves are curling and look like something is taking bites out of them.  I found a spray and got some fertilizer spikes.  I also got two more azalea bushes and a few flowers for the front yard.  I noticed when I was leaving the house one of the azalea I planted last year had flowers.  The other one has not flowers and only a few leaves.  I am hoping to revive it.  I spent the afternoon weeding and clearing the flower bed and under the bushes in the front yard.  The sun was out and I am pretty sure I got a sunburn.  As I sit here I can feel the tingling on my back and shoulders.  I was wearing a tank top and I knew it would probably happen but I hate getting a farmers tan.

Here are the flowers I got from Home Depot.  I wanted something different this year.  This flower blossomed as I was clearing the weeds.  It was only opened a tiny bit when I bought it this morning.