Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 74 of 365 Days of Pictures

We have been experiencing some wonderful weather.  I decided to spend the day outside with Vivian.  I sat on the back porch while she ran around the back yard.  It was so much fun seeing her playing and having a good time.  After lunch it took her forever to fall asleep.  She kept saying she woke up and wanted to go outside.  After about 1 hour 45 minutes she finally fell asleep and slept for about 2 hours.

While playing the yard with Vivian, I decided to check on the lime tree.  There were a lot of bees swarming around it going from flower to flower.  I was excited to see this.  It means the bees are pollinating my tree and hopefully we will see some good limes this year.

Kirsten had a softball game tonight and they won again.  The girls are getting really good.  The final score was 33-11.

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