Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 79 of 365 Days of Pictures

I am so glad this day is over.  The kids woke up around 8:30am and they were fighting by 9:00am.  This continued throughout the day.  I am so glad they are all in bed now and this day is over.  During one of these fighting arguing matches I got injured and ended up with 6 stitches.  How?  We went to Home Depot to look at some stuff.  Vivian likes sitting int he race car baskets.  No problem.  Anthony wanted to push the basket. Sure why not.  Anthony gets tired of pushing the basket and wants to sit in it.  Now Kirsten wants to push him and Vivian around.  Again no problem.  Anthony gets mad because Kirsten is swerving with the basket.  Arguing begins.  I take over and push the basket.  Anthony accidentally pulls Vivian's hair while he tried to move her over to get more room.  She now wants me to carry her.  I ask Kirsten to push the basket and Mrs. Attitude comes out.  She doesn't want to push the basket anymore because it is too hard to push with Anthony in it.  Um you were just pushing both of them and didn't complain at all, but since Anthony no longer wants her to swerve the basket back and forth she doesn't want to push the basket.  I continue walking and tell her to push the basket so we can leave.  She is about 5 feet behind and next thing I know I am hit by the basket almost drop Vivian and I am in extreme pain.  I look down and see a scrape on my leg and part of my ankle.  Man it hurts really bad.  I can't even put weight on that foot.  I start trying to walk with a limp now.  A few steps later I feel dripping.  I look down and there is a lot of blood coming out.  Cashier gives me a paper towel ad I leave the store.  On the way to the car a worker stops to make sure I didn't get injured in the store.  I explain what happened and he looks at my ankle.  He says I may need stitches.  I get in the car and take a closer look.  Yep definitely going to need stitches.  It is about 2 inches wide and about 1/4" deep.  I go to urgent care and I walk out of there 30 minutes later with 6 stitches, a tetanus shot and antibiotics.  Now I am sitting here in pain unable to walk since the numbing medicine they used for the stitches has worn off.  I hope it is not as bad in the morning.

The Dr said any deeper and it may have hit a tendon requiring surgery.

Kirsten feels so bad about it, but not bad enough to get rid of her attitude until I finally blew up and made her clean the Kitchen and living room top to bottom

1 comment:

  1. oh girl I can't say I wouldn't have scolded my daughter right when it happened. I hope you feel better soon!!
