Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87 of 365 Days of Pictures

While everyone that has a full time job dreads Monday, there are time s when I look forward to Monday.  Why?  Because that is the day 2 of 3 kids go to school and I get a break from them.  I really hate when my weekends are full of fighting, yelling, screaming and slamming doors.  The joys of a preteen and a 10 year-old.  I am sure if they were both boys or both girls it wouldn't be so bad.  It also wouldn't be bad if they didn't know what exactly makes the other mad.  Most of the time it is Kirsten making Anthony mad and he screams which usually followed by a slamming door.  I am so tempted to take his door off the hinges.  The frame on the door is already coming loose and needs to be fixed.  I am NOT looking forward to when they are both teens unless they start going their own way and doing their own thing.  Right now they are still at the age where they need a playmate whether it be playing sports in the yard or just sitting around.  They always want the other to "play" with them.  Of course now play has a different meaning than when they were 2 and 4.  Now it is playing a video game, playing cards, catch, basketball, riding bikes or just sitting together to watch a movie.  I know one day I will miss seeing them spend time together and I am sure this time will end within the next few years when Kirsten starts high school.  Oh my did I just say that....high school.  Kirsten will be in 7th grade next year and Anthony will be in 5th.  The following year Vivian will be in Pre-K 4 and when she is in Kindergarten I will have a child in elementary, middle and high school.  Oh and when Vivian starts school full -time I will either got back to school for a photography degree or find a job at one of their schools or a private photography studio.

Now my picture of the day.  Moss growing on the fence.

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